
Business Idea: Earning Serenades

Earnings on serenadesI offer you not a new, but still profitable idea for a business. Earnings on serenades is a business that brings not only profitable and brings people together. There is such a thing as a romantic business - roughly speaking, this is a business for lovers. Selling all kinds of accessories or providing special services for lovers.

You can organize a small agency that will specialize in providing such services. You can help lovers, deliver bouquets to high floors or sing serenades under the window.

In order to deliver the parcel to the high floor, you need a climber who will do this, but for singing serenades you need something more.

In order to sing a beautiful serenade and win the girl’s heart, you need to play the guitar well, be able to sing in Spanish, Portuguese or Italian, you also need to have a beautiful outfit that emphasizes appearance and gives the spirit of romance. It is unlikely that she will be able to conquer the girl if she comes in the evening under the window to turn on the audio recording of the serenade and at the same time be in a tattered suit. Most likely, they will pour water on your head.

To organize a business such as earning money on serenades, you need to find a musician who plays the guitar, knows how to sing beautifully and loudly. You will also need a costume. The costume is best done very magnificent and scenic. After all, they primarily look at the wrapper.

Some customers will want something unusual, and you can offer them to write a special serenade for their half. This will be an individual order, for which you need to sing and a musician who can think up and put any words to music.

Such a business does not limit you to serenades and deliveries of bouquets to high floors. You can find customers at weddings, public gatherings in the city, at various public holidays, where there will be many couples in love. You can also just walk around the park and offer your services to visitors.

This business idea does not limit you in choosing genres or venues. Everything will depend on you and your desire to work. You will be convinced that earning on serenades is a worthy cause.

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Tatyana Asterixa
Yes, I also do not mind being Juliet by the balcony. Such a sign of attention will never be forgotten. You can also to yourself, to raise your spirits, order a romance or chef, as a sign of respect, just during a planning meeting.
Olga Kannunikova
Singing serenades is really interesting and, I think, a profitable business. We do not have this in the city yet.
Irina Panasyan
I can’t imagine what would happen to me if a climber on the 19th floor appeared in a window with a bouquet ... There should still be a psychotherapist in the team of singing serenades :-).


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