
History of management development: briefly on the main

The history of the emergence and development of management begins from BC and continues now. For convenience, all stages are separated by a timeline:

  • I. The ancient period.
  • II. Industrial period.
  • III. Systematization period.

management development history

Several management schools with different concepts are also highlighted:

  • scientific;
  • classic
  • human relationships;
  • behavioral sciences;
  • management sciences.

Ancient period

management history briefly

The history of the development of management, which we will try to briefly describe below, begins from the 9th century BC and ends in the 18th century.

The simplest forms of management appeared in a primitive society, then management was created by all members of the clan, rather than specific people.

The transition from gathering and hunting to production laid the foundation for the emergence of management.

The structure of ancient Egyptian society formed the first management system.

Various ancient Greek thinkers understood the concept and goals of management in their own way:

  • Socrates believed that the most important is the right person in the right place, performing the tasks.
  • Plato argued that governance is the main element of the life support of society.
  • Aristotle argued the need for a manager over slaves, so that the owners could devote themselves to more necessary matters.

In ancient Rome, the work performed was necessarily monitored, the results were compared and the reasons for the failure to fulfill the plan were clarified.

Industrial period

At this stage, a clear management system was born. This happened due to the replacement of manual labor by machine.

Entrepreneurs demanded the fulfillment of all production conditions in order to justify the costs, which caused only discontent and anger of the workers.

Systematization period

The science of management does not stand still. New trends appear and the views of researchers change. Managers moved from one organization to the whole of society.

At the turn of the XIX – XX centuries, huge enterprises began to appear. Because of this, a change in the production management system was required.

This concludes the chronological history of the development of management. Schools of management developed it further.

School of Scientific Management

management development history

The main attention in this concept is paid to the best efficiency of production and labor management.

The main reasons for the scientific management system:

  • large business attempt to take advantage of technology;
  • the desire of people to achieve the most effective ways of doing work.

The main principles of this management system:

  • selection of workers according to specially designed tests;
  • the study of the time spent by the worker;
  • division of work into specializations;
  • economic stimulation of labor;
  • division of responsibility between employees and managers.

Classic school

The history of management development in a classical school systematized enterprise management. The foundations of such a system were held at the expense of authoritarian leadership and strictly defined tasks that excluded the individual approach of employees. The followers of the classical school of management were repeatedly criticized by managers for ignoring human needs.

In this concept, the following organizational principles are identified that are suitable for modern society:

  • division of labor;
  • transfer of goals from management to workers;
  • unity of distribution;
  • limited number of employees.

School of Human Relations

history of management schools

At the time the first two schools appeared, social sciences were not yet studied, and theorists could not connect management with psychology.But after decades, the human factor began to be taken into account in the management system.

Representatives of the concept primarily improved the social structure of organizations and investigated the causes of human behavior. It is thanks to them that professional fitness tests have become widespread.

The main principles of the school of human relations:

  • mutual communication between the leader and the workers;
  • staff conversations with psychologists;
  • organization of events;
  • greeting informal groups.

The disadvantages of this trend include ignoring technological factors and the lack of a systematic approach to solving problems.

School of Behavioral Sciences

Behavioral school practitioners argued that improving the performance of an enterprise is only possible with higher efficiencies. human resources. This approach covered almost the entire management system in the 60s.

The main objectives of this concept:

  • study of human behavior;
  • improving interpersonal relationships;
  • development of problems of social communications;
  • maintaining authority in the team;
  • stereotypes in behavior;
  • change in work tasks and labor level.

Studies by representatives of the behavioral school have established leadership theory. Based on it, it turns out that the most effective management method for each situation is different.

School of Management Science

In the understanding of this school, management problems are solved through the development and application of certain models. Mathematical sciences make up this concept.

The scientific school of management has the main activities.

Operations research involves the use of research methods to solve the operational problems of organizations. The algorithm of this method:

  1. Formulation of the problem.
  2. Developing a situation model.
  3. Replacing verbal analysis with quantitative meanings.

Situational approach

This system allows you to identify situations that affect the company in a certain time period. The School of Management Science has discovered the main factors hindering the effective work of organizations.

Various management schools identified only internal problems, with each concept different. However, many enterprises depend on external variables. The need to take into account the external environment was identified in the late 50s.

The merit of the school of management science in the situational approach is that it has established the relationship of both external and internal changes.

Systems approach

According to this technique, any organization is nothing but a combination of interconnected elements aimed at fulfilling one goal.

Initially, this approach was used only in the exact sciences. In management, this system was introduced in the late 1950s, and it significantly increased the success of the school of management science.

System analysis

The main task of system analysis is to build a common model showing the relationship of real situations.

Initially, such an approach was drawn up for military operations, but in the 50s they began to use it in management.

The success of the school of management science was far less than that of the school of behavioral science. Partly due to the fact that most of the problems were related to human relations, partly due to the fact that a small number of entrepreneurs understood the complex methods of the school of management.

The history of the development of management briefly describes how civilizations and cities arose, and shows the advent of society from the primitive to the modern system.

But this is in general terms, and now in more detail about its occurrence in the homeland - the USA.

Management Development in the USA

in the history of management development the content of management functions

The history of management development in the USA until the 20th century is not very different from other countries. Therefore, in this section, early time will not be considered.

At the beginning of the XX century. development of production fell out.All the goals of entrepreneurs were to improve the mechanism of mass production.

A clear limitation of industries provided good growth opportunities. The attention of managers focused only on the mechanism. Because of this, a production stereotype has appeared.

However, in the 30s, the consumer ceased to be satisfied only with basic needs. And then the task of management was the impact on the buyer.

Now, competition within one organization has become a very common phenomenon. But even without a struggle, managers tried to resist change due to the mandatory acquisition of new skills.

In the 50s, the industrial era was replaced by the post-industrial era, which continues now. But the story of management development does not end there. Management is even more in demand.

Management Development in Russia

Russia is in many ways different from Western countries. And the history of management development is also different here. Each stage is not similar to the previous one and deserves special attention. However, we will try to describe how the history of the development of management was born briefly and in an accessible form.

Pre-revolutionary period

 History of management development in Russia

Of course, the history of management development dates back to the time of Russia, but the beginning of the management system as an independent science was laid at the end of the XIX century. But it became most noticeable at the beginning of the 20th century. Large-scale industrial innovations were constrained by the country's insufficient economic level. Only after the 20th century did industrial trends prevail over agrarian ones. Scientists of that time used the methods of scientific knowledge to observe phenomena, established causal relationships between them and formed their own principles of management.

Great attention to the development of management appeared due to the complexity of production. It was also then that they realized that the proper functioning of the enterprise is impossible without quality management. Because of this, the need for employees began to arise precisely for the position of managers.

The merits of P. A. Stolypin in the history of management development are invaluable. The content of the management functions, he was convinced, was as follows: “First, reassurance, and then reform.” It is to him that the history of the development of management theory owes its significant aspects.

Post-revolutionary period

history of management theory

After the October Revolution, the improvement of the old public administration system was required. 10 main principles were identified:

  • democratic centralism;
  • unity of political and economic leaders;
  • housekeeping according to plan;
  • labor stimulation material incentives;
  • scientific management;
  • a responsibility;
  • proper selection and placement of personnel;
  • profitability and efficiency;
  • the best combination of sectoral and territorial management;
  • continuity of business decisions.

The history of the development of management in Russia in the post-revolutionary period showed the naivete of theorists, an orientation specifically towards class division and proletcult ideology. Excessive enthusiasm for the natural sciences also arose.

The beginning of the 20th century is the most significant period in the development of management. It was at this time that the history of the development of management schools of Russian theorists began, comparable to the best foreign ones.

The period from the 30s to the collapse of the USSR

In the 30s, they released the first Soviet textbook on the organization of production, introduced a new specialty - an engineer-economist. But the Stalinist repressions inflicted tremendous damage on the management. They claimed many lives of highly educated scientists, and the development of management as a science was stopped for many years.

During the Great Patriotic War, the established management system did not undergo significant changes. Even during the war years, Russian managers created unique projects for military production.

In the late 1950s, the topic of management research began to expand.In the early 60s, a new section of the economy appeared - cybernetics, which began a new segment in the history of management development.

In the 70s, warnings began about the incompatibility of the market and socialism. An attempt to dismantle almost destroyed the country's economic situation.

In the late 70s and early 80s, management laboratories were opened. Their responsibilities included:

  • collection and systematization of results in world management science;
  • formation and implementation of research plans;
  • implementation of management consulting.

90s of the XX century

history of the emergence and development of management

The collapse of the USSR was the beginning of the final stage of evolution in the management system. Becoming more modern management level depended on development commodity production and technical and technological improvement of society. So a more modern history of management management was born.

Many problems under Gorbachev and Yeltsin were caused by the country's unpreparedness for drastic changes.

Modern period

The main principles of the current management system are:

  • systemic and situational approach to management;
  • innovation;
  • management responsibility to society;
  • focus on human capabilities.

In recent years, the system of Russian governance for normal operation requires many radical changes.

This is the whole Russian history of management management. In short, all the transitions from one stage to another did not arise as a result of the natural historical process, but because of coups d'etat.

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