
Their income is fabulous, and all this is the love of the people: Dud earned 90 million rubles

Nowadays, the stars of television programs go by the wayside. In their place came a new generation of Internet celebrities who explode popularity ratings. The income of an average well-known blogger can reach several million dollars a year. Where does this money come from?

YouTube feeds Internet stars

Recently, Forbes magazine has introduced a new list of the most popular people in show business and sports. The rating was divided by age categories, and a lot of bloggers "appeared" in the list of stars under 40. Among them are Wylsacom, Yuri Dud, Nastya Ivleeva, Ida Galich, Katya Klap and others.

The first place of honor among bloggers was taken by Valentin Petukhov, better known as Wylsacom (7.5 million YouTube subscribers).

The most popular technology reviewer of Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi and other popular gadgets, according to Forbes, earned $ 2.7 million per year. A review of the “necessary” gadget on its channel varies from 500 thousand to 1.5 million rubles.

The most popular YouTube interviewer, Yuri Dud, the author of the Vdud channel, has become one of the highest paid YouTube users.

For 2 years, he became incredibly popular, which directly affected his income. Over the past year, the channel brought him about 1.3 million dollars (about 90 million rubles). The most "hype" video with Nastya Ivleeva collected record hits - 26 million. Thus, with an increase in the ratings and trending of the Vdud channel, earnings for one advertising integration in Yuri’s video are 1 million rubles. This is the highest advertising cost for a blogger on YouTube.

Social Networks - A Powerful Advertising Platform

The most “hype” blogger, vinersha and TV presenter Nastya Ivleeva earned about 60 million rubles on her AGENTSHOW. Nastyushka-danger has a total income from advertising on Instagram, on a YouTube channel and from monetizing videos on the same platform.

According to various sources, Instagram brings Ivleeva income from 10 to 25 million rubles. Advertising in her account can reach a value of 500 thousand rubles. And it all started with short funny videos - vines that scattered all over the Internet and brought Ivleeva great fame.

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