
Understanding risk and setting the right goals: choosing a different profession at 40

In many sports, a coach can change his strategy so that his team succeeds. Positions are adjusted, players are swapped. A team entering the field or court in the second half often has a completely different approach to the game - the pace, priorities and tactics change. Psychologists say that 40 years is the age when many people are reviewing their whole lives, including their careers. At 40, many begin to doubt whether they are in the right position, whether they made the right choice. And if there comes an understanding that the professional activity was chosen incorrectly, a desire appears to change something. But is it possible at that age? Experts say: nothing is impossible. True, in order to carry out such a difficult task as a job change, choose a new occupation and achieve success in it, you will have to go a difficult way. The tips that you will find below will help ease it!

Get yourself

Philosophical wisdom tells us that the most important thing is simply to know oneself. After all, if you do not know yourself, then who knows? What motivates you? What are you good at? In which areas are you less qualified?

The main plus of your forty years is that you already have about two decades of work experience, the path that you have had, both success and failure. Think about when you felt most competent. Unlike recent graduates who need to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, a 40-year-old simply knows about them.

It is important to look at your career from different angles. If you can explain your value retrospectively and confidently, you are much more likely to formulate your own value and perspectives in a new role or in a new field of activity.

Define your purpose

Having decided on who you are, you must determine what you are striving for. Life and career are full of compromises. Are you ready to move? How many steps back are you ready to take to change your life? What do you really want to do? What function, industry, level and location are you looking for?

The goal must be concrete, measurable and feasible. “I want a better job” is not the goal. “I want to take a step in sales management in a service-oriented company with a certain income in a certain city” - much clearer and more feasible. The goal may change throughout your career, but the struggle for determination is at least half the battle.

State "why" and "why"

If you know yourself and what you are looking for, you must communicate with others so that they can inform you, help you and guide you. The main tool that will help you is a concise, but capacious answer that allows others to understand who you are, what you are striving for, what you are doing to achieve your goals. It may sound, for example, like this: “I was successful as a seller and sales manager. When I recall the first half of my career, I notice that the greatest influence was provided by the analytical support of my clients and team. It turns out that I am very good at quantitative and qualitative analysis. It is for this reason that I want to become a financial analyst. "

Rate your resources

It is time to address the practical aspects of fulfilling your plan. Start with a frank assessment of your resources. This is your financial, social and intellectual capital. Financial resources include money and investments, as well as a list of obligations.For example, a single parent with limited means who also supports an older parent may not have the same risk tolerance as someone else in other circumstances.

Social capital includes your database of contacts, as well as your friends and family, who can support you when you get started.

Finally, summarize your intellectual capital. Do you have the appropriate degrees, certificates or licenses? Not all areas require this, but you need a clear understanding of what may be required at the beginning of a career change process.

Learn the best you can

Media and Internet research is an important part of fulfilling a career change plan at any age, but it is especially relevant when people are 40 years old or older. Since you are selling wisdom and experience as a key part of your offer, you should be informed and knowledgeable. In addition to personal research, social networks are the best source of access to information, people and organizations. The good news is that these steps can be taken before you leave your current position. Set a goal to meet with two people every week for focused communication and do not forget to offer help to others while you are working to achieve your goal.

Take a decisive step, but only after risk reduction

At a certain moment, a decisive step must be taken. This does not mean that you should immediately give up your current job in order to devote yourself to a poorly thought out search. This means breaking the procrastination cycle, which affects most people who are honest with themselves. A written plan with deadlines and goals will ensure accountability and real progress.

Changing your career is a daunting task at any age, but when you are 40 years old or more, you have a ton of benefits that you should keep in mind. This is insight, wisdom and great resources. You are ready to win, so boldly go ahead!

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