
Teplukhin Pavel Mikhailovich: biography

Teplukhin Pavel Mikhailovich - President of Troika Dialog Management Company, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Bank, Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Strategy Committee of OJSC Rusnano, Entrepreneur and Economist, Member of the National Governing League.

Teplukhin Pavel Mikhailovich: biography

Tepuhin Pavel Mikhailovich

Pavel was born on April 29, 1964 in the capital of Russia, in the family of an economist and a doctor. After school, he entered the Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov at the Faculty of Economics and subsequently graduated with honors. He continued his studies in the same specialty. In 1989, Pavel Teplukhin became a candidate of economic sciences at Moscow State University, and in 1993 he studied at the London School of Economics and received a master's degree in economics. Further, the young man took courses at prestigious institutions in different parts of the world: Harvard Business School in Boston, INSEAD in France, a course on emerging markets in Vienna.

Career growth Teplukhina

In subsequent years, Teplukhin collaborated with the Minister of Finance and Economics: first he was an adviser on economic affairs, and then an expert at the Russian-European Center for Economic Policy. Pavel Mikhailovich developed pension reform and issued a law on investment funds.

Since 1994, the affairs of the economist have gone uphill. At 30, Teplukhin became the head of the Moscow office of the London School of Economics, in which he had previously studied. After that, he got a job at Troika Dialog as an economist, and after that he got a higher position - the president and chairman of the board.

At this time, Teplukhin continues to work on reforming the pension system and manages the 4 largest pension funds in Russia.

In 2008, Pavel Mikhailovich published his first book, The Teplukhin Matrix. Before and After the First Million.

4 years later, they announced that Pavel Teplukhin headed the board of directors of the Forex Club International Academy of Exchange Trading. Then, in 2012, he became chief executive officer of the largest German conglomerate Deutsche Bank.

Teplukhin Pavel

Apparently, Pavel Mikhailovich Teplukhin ceased to cope with such a huge number of duties, and in 2013, on March 21, he decided to leave the board of directors of the Forex Club Academy and devote himself to Deutsche Bank and his position as head of the company.

Teplukhin Pavel Mikhailovich: family

Teplukhin Pavel Mikhailovich, whose wife gave him three wonderful children, is in no hurry to talk with reporters about his family. It is only known that the eldest son, Alexei, was born in 1990. Then the girl Lisa was born in 1995, and then, in 2009, son Alexander. Nowhere on the Internet can you find a photo of an entrepreneur with his family.

Interesting facts from the biography of Teplukhin

Teplukhin is one of the most passionate collectors. According to Pavel Mikhailovich himself, for him it is an “emotional part of life”. He even became a partner of the Russian Antique Salon.

Another love of the entrepreneur's entire life is theater. In his interview, Pavel told reporters that he was most impressed by Satyricon or Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoyev’s productions at the Vakhtangov Theater. In the purely personal opinion of Teplukhin, this theater is so high that it can be put on a par with the Stanislavsky Theater.

Tepuhin Pavel Mikhailovich biography

Teplukhin went to builders: houses for friends and pals

It’s always boring to stay in one path, and many people find themselves a new occupation that brings diversity to an established life.Some become authors of books, others decide to write a song, others are fond of knitting, embroidery or sewing, but entrepreneur Pavel Teplukhin decided to go to the builders. Along the Kaluga highway, 25 kilometers from the capital of Russia, several houses are stretched in a row, the keys to which are distributed not to anyone, but exclusively to Teplukhin's friends or friends. In some cases, if strangers claim the house, the entrepreneur personally meets with them and leads a long conversation.

In one of the interviews, Pavel Mikhailovich said that the main problem in finding an apartment is that when you buy it, you kind of buy your neighbors as well. And it is very important for an entrepreneur to be surrounded by pleasant people.

Club house on Arbat

As it turned out, before this, the Russian entrepreneur already had experience in construction: a few years ago he bought a house on the Arbat, reconstructed it, and as a result turned out to be a club house, where he resettled his friends.

With age, as Teplukhin himself stated, a person has a persistent dream of suburban life. All the city bustle fades into the background, and the soul desires fresh air, silence and peace. The village in which the construction of houses takes place is called Varvarino. According to Teplukhin’s idea, only people who are close to each other in spirit and worldview will live there. These are mainly managers, economists, entrepreneurs - those who have an apartment in the city, and here they come to relax from all the fuss and be alone with their thoughts and family.

Varvarino is a place completely separate from the rest of Moscow, where everyone is like relatives: houses are not fenced, children play quietly, run around the vast territory of the village and look to visit their neighbors.

Tepukhin Pavel Mikhailovich family

The inhabitants of Varvarino have a tradition: every year they celebrate the day of the village. The main part of the holiday is planting trees in honor of the children born, linden trees for girls, chestnuts for boys. Currently, there are 12 trees in the village.

In addition to the established tradition, hangouts are held in the village almost every weekend, but they are very decent: entrepreneurs often discuss new projects there.

Tepukhin Pavel Mikhailovich wife

What significance does the village have for Teplukhin

The geographical center of New Moscow will soon be established in the village. On this occasion, it is planned to build a new metro line and increase the highway to a ten-lane one. Teplukhin is neutral towards innovations. He admitted that it takes an average hour to get to the city center by car, but this is not a problem, because Varvarino is more of a summer house than a place to live on an ongoing basis. And also, as Pavel Mikhailovich said, for him it is a village where only close people live, with whom you can always talk heart to heart.

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