
Prescription for a medicine. Pharmacy prescription shelf life

In the medical environment, the sale of certain drugs is strictly prescription. It is important to note that there are certain storage periods for prescriptions in the pharmacy. Why is it necessary to buy some medicines? Why can't you simplify the purchase process? Many drugs, if taken uncontrollably, can bring enormous damage to health. In addition, some medicines contain codeine and ephedrine, from which narcotic substances can be made.

In order to warn the population against such troubles, doctors prescribe a prescription for a medicine. It is important to note that today recipes cannot be faked. Their authenticity is carefully verified.

Prescription drugs

Pharmacy prescription shelf life

  1. Medicines that are included in the list of medicines prescribed only by prescription are five years old.
  2. Shelf life of preferential prescriptions in a pharmacy is five years. You can get medicines for free or on preferential terms.
  3. Psychotropic substances in Schedule II of the List - ten years.
  4. If medicines are subject to quantitative accounting - three years. The exception is narcotic and psychotropic substances included in the list of the II List, as well as psychotropic substances from the List of the III List.
  5. There are combined medications. They consist of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances that are in Schedule II and III of the List. Combined medicines are made in a pharmacy organization. Also, anabolically active drugs and those medicines that are subject to quantitative accounting - for three years.
  6. The shelf life of prescriptions in the pharmacy for tranquilizers, for which subject quantitative accounting is not provided, as well as antidepressants, is two months.

Thus, the shelf life of prescriptions in a pharmacy is different and depends on the type of medicine and the conditions for its delivery.

Recipe Storage

It is important to note that absolutely all prescription forms for substances related to psychotropic and narcotic drugs must be stored in a safe. In addition, the safe must be sealed.

Prescriptions for other medicines that need to be quantified should be kept in lockable metal cabinets. In extreme cases, you can use a wooden cabinet, but it must be technically strengthened.

The prescription for tranquilizers and antidepressants at the end of the shelf life is returned to the owner. When the shelf life of the recipe ends, it is eliminated. This procedure takes place in the presence of a special commission. Subsequently, a special act is drawn up.

The duration of prescriptions for drugs is not invented. It is established by the Ministry of Health. This is based on various studies.

safe for storing medicines

Where can I get a prescription for a medicine?

In order to get a prescription for the necessary drug, you need to make an appointment with the appropriate doctor. It is possible that the doctor will prescribe a list of examinations that will be important to undergo. After that, the doctor can prescribe you a new, most suitable and created using new technologies drug. If this does not happen, the doctor will write you the appropriate prescription for the medicine.

At the doctor

Where to get medicine?

Previously, a purchase could be made at the nearest pharmacy. Currently, prescription drugs depend on which category of drug you require. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances can only be bought in full-fledged pharmacies that have special access.

If the doctor has written you a prescription for a medicine, be sure to ask him where you can get this drug. In accordance with the new legislation, many medicines are quite difficult to find. Thanks to the consultation, you will know exactly where to go. So you save your time, money, nerves, and also start treatment faster.

Buy in reserve!

It is typical for a Russian person to buy everything, more and for a longer period. Many people buy OTC drugs for several years to come. On the one hand, it is practical. At the slightest ailment, you do not need to run to the nearest pharmacy - everything already lies in your first-aid kit. However, we do not always check the shelf life of drugs, which means we can take expired drugs. It is difficult to predict the reaction of the body to this kind of inattention.

Prescription drugs cannot be bought in reserve. The pharmacist will give you exactly as much as the doctor ordered. In addition, for some drugs there is a maximum allowable amount. This means that if you need more medicine for the course than in the package, you will have to come to the pharmacy again.

You can "beg" a doctor for several prescriptions at once, but at the pharmacy you will still be given only one at a time. In addition, an attentive and responsible pharmacist can report the violations to the appropriate authorities.

Buying medicine at the pharmacy

Recipe Service Standards

Pharmacists are strictly prohibited from dispensing prescription medicines that have already expired. However, there is an exception: if the drug has expired while it is on deferred care, the pharmacist must release the prescription medicine without renewal.

Recipe Form

It is important that it is properly framed. If errors, irregularities are suddenly found, then they are recorded in a special journal. When registering, the following shall be indicated: revealed violations, data of the doctor who wrote the prescription, and also add the name of the organization. At the end of the registration, it is necessary to describe what measures have been taken.

A special stamp is put on the recipe: "The recipe is invalid", after which it is returned to the owner.

It is very important to know the shelf life of prescriptions in the pharmacy, in order to make an appointment with the doctor on time, pick up the prescription in the pharmacy (if possible). This will save your valuable time and help to provide timely medical assistance to your body.

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