
You will most likely be recognized as competent at the interview if the lighting in the room is good: the findings of the researchers

How much does lighting affect a person’s decisions? A new study by scientists from Loughborough University (Leicestershire, England) shows that this factor should not be underestimated. Those wishing to be interviewed are more likely to be hired if the interviewer is pleased with the indoor lighting.

Purpose of the study

Appropriate lighting is really important. A recent study by Olga Combase and Eric Dietle involved more than 300 people. To test their hypothesis, they conducted two small experiments.

Scientists hope that the results of the study will contribute to the proper design of office space and the creation of better and fairer working conditions. This should not be underestimated: in fact, it was proved that the impressions of the interviewer are affected not only by the appearance of a person or his professional achievements, but also by proper lighting in the room. How did the experts come to this conclusion?


Olga Kombeyz and Eric Dietl conducted two interrelated studies to test their hypothesis: a laboratory experiment and a field study (real observations) in workrooms.

The participants (and there were more than 300 people) of the experiment were supposed to evaluate photographs of people who were in rooms with different brightness and color of lighting. In the photo people had a normal, neutral expression, but the respondents described them differently. Why? Due to different lighting.

The study showed that the more a person was satisfied with the coverage, the more likely he would characterize the interlocutor as pleasant and competent. And vice versa, if the lighting left much to be desired, what he saw would prompt him to experience completely different sensations.


All participants were asked to rate the faces in the photographs in terms of their perceived warmth and competence, and to express their opinion on the lighting in the office. During the experiments, lamps of different brightness and color temperature were used, since the lighting settings, which are considered the best or most satisfactory, depend on personal preferences.

This study helped to see the connection between positive feelings and proper lighting. Both in the laboratory and in the field study (real conditions), it was noted that the design of the room (including the lighting in it) should not be approached with negligence.


Scientists have found that workplace design can affect other people's experiences. Olga Kombeyz explains: "The perception of the personality and the assessment of others in the working environment are very important. The first impression of other people in the future will affect our judgments about them and various decisions."

Olga continues: “First impressions occur automatically and at least partially on a subconscious level, and can be influenced by factors such as proper lighting in the workroom. Our study helps to understand how affective processes (mental processes that are responsible for emotionally -sensitive attitude to situations, people and so on), including satisfaction with coverage, affect our judgment of others. "

Striving for the best

Eric Dittle adds: “From a practical point of view, our experience is of great importance in developing parameters related to the evaluation of other people.For example, in order to avoid unfair or biased judgments about applicants, the lighting conditions during the interview should be the same for everyone. Moreover, the decision-maker should be able to adjust the lighting conditions in the room so that they are satisfied. "

Eric adds: “In addition to highlighting the following studies, we intend to use a more holistic approach, exploring other workplace features.”


So, the information given in the article once again reminded us of how great the influence of lighting on various impressions is. Have you ever wondered why photographers or artists perform the correct setting of light before starting work? They are well aware of how this factor can affect a person's facial features and his visual mood. Often, thanks to a good adjustment of lighting, photographers manage to emphasize some detail or make it even more attractive. Bright (moderate) lighting provides, gives vigor, and cloudy (dark) shades and colors, on the contrary, create a dull mood.

Once again, we are convinced that lighting affects our emotional and psychological state. Indoor light can dramatically change a person’s mood and emotions.

Well, if you were denied the last interview, do not blame yourself. Think of a mitigating circumstance: perhaps such a decision was not affected by your data at all, but by the improper design of the office space.

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