
4 sure signs that colleagues and superiors don't like you

Sometimes it’s quite obvious that someone at work does not love you. But deciphering potential signs of rejection is not easy. Suddenly you are mistaken? Yes, you can never be 100% sure of how colleagues treat you. But there are signs by which you will determine the attitude towards you and will be able to build the right strategy for further relations. So, whether you are an employee or a boss, this is what you need to pay attention to.

Colleagues don't look you in the eye

Lynn Taylor, a business relations expert and author of the best-selling book “Tame Your Office Tyrant,” suggests what might be the main warning sign. Usually people don’t look into the eyes of those they don’t like. They fear that you may find hostility, so the path of least resistance for them is to look away. True, there may be other explanations for this, but this is the most obvious. No need to try to sort things out, it’s better to carefully monitor your colleagues and determine the root cause of their behavior.

Employees do not comply

This applies for the most part to bosses or managers. If your team is not worried about the rules, then it is not worried about what you think about them. Jennifer Winter, a content strategist, writer, and communications manager, argues that if a team ignores the rules, then it does not accept whoever composed them. Start solving this problem right now, before it's too late.

As a manager, you cannot always be considered a friend to subordinates, and this is normal. But a complete disregard for your rules is already a rejection and a manifestation of negativity towards you. If your team members are not worried about the consequences of breaking the rules, then they are not particularly worried about what you think about it. For a manager, this is a dangerous sign. Your team is not required to love you, but subordinates should definitely be concerned about the consequences of violating accepted rules.

Colleagues ask you too many questions.

If colleagues question everything that you do, they don’t trust you, they don’t like you. Ruben Jonathan, founder and CEO of GetVoIP IT company, says one way to express your rejection is to constantly ask questions. It's okay to interview colleagues from time to time, but if you notice that employees question every decision you make, then this is a clear sign that they don't trust you. Often, constant questions addressed to you are a way to humiliate, show that it’s hard for you to “reach” and need to be repeated many times. Ask your colleagues directly why they behave this way with you? Having figured out everything, it will be easier for you to build further relationships.

They never give you time

If colleagues never have time for you, then this means that you are not a priority for them. Alison Green, the author of the Ask the Manager blog, writes that the lack of time with colleagues is a bad sign. Especially from the authorities. Does the boss constantly reschedule your appointments? Finds any reason not to host you? You most likely have no honor with him. If your colleagues “sin” this behavior, then try to find out the initial reason for the negative in your address.

These are the main, but not the only signs of rejection of colleagues. It is clear that if you are the boss, then your subordinates will try not to express the negative explicitly. You can learn about their relationship only by these indirect signs. Follow the mood of your colleagues, because the business strategy and your further stay in the team will depend on this.Perhaps the reason for the bad attitude towards you lies in a misunderstanding, then you just need to find out. Sometimes it is impossible to solve the problem, then you have to think about changing a job or team.

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